I’m going to tell you about this writing site called
Hubpages. This is a great way for anyone who knows something useful or interesting to make a bit of money online.
What is Hubpages?
Before I start getting into detail, I should explain the basics.
Hubpages is a website that basically allows you to publish an article on the site. A hub (their word for article) can be about almost topic you want to write about. You could create a hub explaining how to wire a plug, or how to make carrot cake. You can pretty much write about whatever you want.
You don’t have to be a brilliant writer, though it does help. (It is a writing site after all). That said, some people who are awful writers do quite well. All you need is the ability to say a little bit about something people might want to read.
Can I make money with Hubpages?
Yes, and there are a number of different ways to do it. Possibly the simplest way is to use Google Adsense. After you finish your first hub you can install your Adsense ID and you will begin displaying Google Ads on your hubs. If visitors click on your Google ads, you get 60% of the revenue.
And before you ask, yes: Hubpages is okay with you doing this. Indeed, they encourage you to use AdSense, as well as to sign up for its own ad program, which pays on an impression basis through PayPal.
How to get started
If you are interested in trying out Hubpages for yourself this is how to go about it:
- Sign up at Hubpages.
- Create your first hub. This can be a little unnerving the first time you do it. Hubpages forces you to build your hub from “capsules”. Don’t be intimidated, just read the advice they give you and you’ll be fine. Incidentally, I recommend writing your hubs in Word or a similar program. It’s considerably easier.
- Sign up for a Google AdSense account. For instructions on how to sign up, read this.
- Add your AdSense Publisher ID to Hubpages. Log in to Hubpages and click on “My Account”, and then “Earnings”. Follow the on-screen instructions from there.
- Finished. Once your ID is installed, you will make money whenever someone clicks on an ad. Warning: never click on your own ads. Google will definitely catch you and you’ll be banned from the AdSense program. And once you have been banned, it’s very difficult to get approval for a new account.
Keyword research
Most people would say that this is the most important part, and that title of your hub must be based on solid keyword research. If you’re happy to put in the effort, try Google’s Keyword Research tool – throw in some keywords based on your hub’s content and check out the results. Now, I’m lazy, so I don’t really bother with keyword research and yet I still get traffic. So you still have a chance of picking up some visitors on Hubpages, even if you don’t do any research. But the more you plan your keywords, the better you’ll do.
I suggest you try using longer titles. Don’t title your hub “Doors” but something like “How to Build a Door out of Oak”. If in doubt, look at your hub. Imagine you were looking for an article like it on the web. What would you type into Google? Answer that, and you have a title that’ll probably work.
More is more. Try to write about 500 words per hub. And add some pictures. For a start, on Hubpages, a little picture is displayed beside links to hubs. This is the first picture that has been used in that Hub. If you don’t have a picture, links to your hub won’t look so good and probably won’t be clicked. Also, Hubpages ranks hubs higher if they have pictures in them (or other widgets like polls, news etc.)
More page views = more money from ads. Try linking to your hubs from your blog to get some traffic to them. Most traffic will initially come from within Hubpages, so getting some external links is a good idea. Plus, it’ll help improve your Hubs’ Google search rankings. Submitting them to social bookmarking sites such as StumbleUpon is also a great way to get more page views. Organising your Hubs into “Groups” is also advisable. To do this just go to “My Account” -> “Hubs” -> “Groups”.
For some quick tips on starting to earn money from Hubpages, read
this article. If you have any questions or feedback, please comment.
There you go. That should be everything you need to know to get started on Hubpages. If you like the sound of it and want to try it for yourself,
sign up here.